New Research paper: Long Non-Coding RNA and microRNA Interplay in Colorectal Cancer and Their Effect on the Tumor Microenvironment

M. Rajtmajerova; A. Trailin; V. Liska; K. Hemminki; F. Ambrozkiewicz: Long Non-Coding RNA and microRNA Interplay in Colorectal Cancer and Their Effect on the Tumor Micoenvironment. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Nov 5;14(21):5450. doi: 10.3390/cancers14215450.

The interplay between the tumour and the immune system plays a vital role in disease progression. There are several mechanisms the tumour imposes to repress the immune response. Dysregulation of non-coding RNAs, the main role of which is to regulate transcription and translation, leads to expressional changes in various signaling molecules and can subsequently affect infiltration and/or activation of immune cells. Here, we focus on the miRNA/lncRNA/protein regulatory axes, which are known to influence the immune response in colorectal cancer. A detailed overview has been recently published by team Laboratory of translational cancer genomics.