We are currently expanding the activities of the ERA Research Club. The main aim is to provide you with the support you need for designing, conducting, analysing and disseminating your research work (read the full program description here in PDF). The Research Club is designed to utilise varying opportunities and media to enable you achieve your goals. Hence, for us to make sure this service is fit for its purpose, we want to ensure it is tailored for your needs. We appreciate that we all have different needs, demands, strengths and limitations. To enable us to develop a service that is functional we need your input to help us fine-tune this development.
To help us to do so, please consider completing the following short survey: https://forms.gle/5sLPcovnjaVD8HSj6. Also we want to set up a postgraduate student focus group. We want this group to be representative for different disciplines and faculties. We want enthusiastic, committed, organised members on this group. If you’re willing to participate in the focus group of ERA RC Champions and help develop the curriculum even further, please join while completing the ERA RC survey mentioned above (there is a question for focus group membership). Thank you. Your participation in this group will be an active one. We want to know your ideas, your needs, your views and opinions. However, we will ensure we do not burden you with any additional work.