All Chaperon news items are listed below (click the headings to access the full articles):
Picture of the Month portrays Chaperon Team to mark the end of the project
July of 2024 was the last month of the Chaperon project and that is why the photo below is presented as the Picture of the Month. Read more here…
Venkata Ramana Mallela brings news from his scientific stay in London
Venkata Ramana Mallela is a 2nd-year PhD student from the Translational Cancer Genomics Laboratory at the Biomedical Center, working under the guidance of ERA Chair holder Prof. Kari Hemminki and supervised by Dr. Filip Ambrozkiewicz. Read more here…
New Research Paper: Small nucleolar RNA expression profiles: A potential prognostic biomarker for non-viral Hepatocellular carcinoma
A new research paper authored by the team of the Laboratory of Translation Cancer Genomics has recently been published. Read more here…
Filip Ambrozkiewicz attended EACR Meeting
Filip Ambrozkiewicz – member of the Translational Cancer Genomics laboratory – attended the EACR 2024 Annual Congress in Rotterdam, Netherland. Continue reading…
Picture of the Month - June 2024
In June, we are presenting a photograph by Kristýna Popelková from the Freestyle category. Continue…
New Research Paper: Mast Cells in the Microenvironment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Confer Favorable Prognosis: A Retrospective Study using QuPath Image Analysis Software
A new research paper authored by the team of the Laboratory of Translation Cancer Genomics has recently been published. Continue reading…
Venkata Ramana Mallela attended EASL 2024 in Italy
Venkata Ramana Mallela attended The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) 2024 in Italy. Continue…
Information Meeting on Data Management and Politics
On Thursday, June 6, an information meeting on new Research Data Politics in Charles University took place at our Faculty. Read more…
The Chaperon team invites you to the participate in our last Lab Meeting
We would like to invite you to the very last of our Chaperon Lab Meetings. This meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 1.30 p.m. in the Seminar Room. Read more…
Annual Meeting of Cancer Researchers in Javorná
From May 17 to 19, an annual meeting of research teams from not only our medical faculty, but also our collaborating partners from the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the National Institute of Public Health, took place in Javorná for the 13th time. Read more here…
Special Kari Hemminki Awards for Students’ Scientific Work
On 16 May 2024, the 61st Student Scientific Conference was held at the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen. In addition to the prizes in the undergraduate and postgraduate categories, special Professor Kari Hemminki Awards for the best papers in the field of oncology were awarded at this showcase of student scientific works. Read more here…
Picture of the Month - May 2024
This month, we are presenting a photograph from the Freestyle category by Nasim Bpour. Continue reading…
Chaperon Closing Conference
The Closing conference of the Chaperon project took place on Thursday, April 25, in Parkhotel Plzeň. Read more here…
Andriy Trailin Participated in The American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting in San Diego
Dr. Andriy Trailin presented a poster by Chaperon team „Adaptive immune cells in colorectal cancer between normal mucosa, primary tumor and liver metastasis” in the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting in San Diego. Read more here…
Picture of the Month - April 2024
In April, we would like to present another picture from the Science and Research category of the 2023 Nerd Art Prize Contest taken by Marek Navrátil. Read more…
New research paper: Large differencies in age-specific survival in multiple myeloma in the nordic countries
A new research paper authored by the team of the Laboratory of Translation Cancer Genomics has recently been published. Read more here.
Picture of the Month - March 2024
In March, we are presenting a photograph taken by Esraa Ali, a doctoral student from the Translational Cancer Genomics Lab. Continue…
New research paper: Prognostic role of macrophages and mast cells in the microenvironment of hepatocellular carcinoma after resection
A new research paper authored by the team of theLaboratory of Translation Cancer Genomics has recently been published. Continue here…
Picture of the Month - February 2024
In February, we would like to present a photograph taken by MUDr. Věra Křížková, Ph.D. from the Department of Histology and Embryology. Continue here…
Seminar Invitation: Funding opportunities under the 4EU+ Alliance
Do you have an idea for a project or activity not covered by regular grants? Try 4EU+ Alliance funding! We invite you to a seminar Funding opportunities under the 4EU+ Alliance, which will take place on March 20th, 2024, from 10:00 to 11:00 in the Azure lecture room. Karolína Šedivcová and Tereza Vosejpková from the Charles University European Centre will introduce academic and student mini grants, Seed4EU+ projects, and more. The seminar is suitable for Master and PhD students and academic staff.
Máte nápad na projekt nebo aktivitu, na kterou běžné granty nepamatují? Zkuste financování v rámci Aliance 4EU+! Srdečně zveme na seminář Možnosti financování v rámci Aliance 4EU+, který se uskuteční 20. března 2024 od 10:00 do 11:00 v Azurové posluchárně LFP. Karolína Šedivcová a Tereza Vosejpková z Evropského centra Univerzity Karlovy představí akademické a studentské minigranty, projekty Seed4EU+ a další. Seminář je vhodný pro pre- i postgraduální studenty a akademické pracovníky.
Registration for the seminar is required (using this registration form). Prosíme, registrujte se na seminář zde.
New Research Paper: Survival in oral and pharyngeal cancers is catching up with laryngeal cancer in the NORDIC countries through a half century
A new research paper co-authored by the members of Translational Cancer Genomics Lab has recently been published. Read more here.
Save the Date for Chaperon Closing Conference!
We would like to announce the Chaperon Conference on Cancer Research, organized on the occasion of the finishing of Chaperon. The conference will take place on April 25th at the Parkhotel Congress Center in Pilsen. Up-to-date information and online registration are available here.
Nerd Art Prize 2023 Award Ceremony
We would like to invite you to the Nerd Art Prize Ceremony, which will take place on February 14th, 10 a.m., in room U2.13 of our faculty. The ceremony will be accompanied a traveller´s talk of one of the contestants. We are looking forward to meeting you there!
Picture of the Month - January 2024
In January, we would like to introduce a photography by Lenka Vaňková. Continue…
Picture of the Month - December 2023
In December, we would like to present Drahomíra Holmannová´s photography called „On the border“. Continue reading…
Marie Rajtmajerová has completed scientific stay in Regensburg
Marie Rajtmajerová, third year doctoral student in The Translational Cancer Genomics Lab, has completed her scientific stay in Regensburg, Germany. Read more here…
New Review Paper: miRNA and lncRNA as potential tissue biomarkers in hepatocellular carcinoma
A new review paper authored by the members of the Translational Cancer Genomics Team was published in October. The review explores various roles of miRNAs and lncRNAs in hepatocellular carcinoma. Read more here…
PF 2024
Best wishes for this Holiday Season and the upcoming year from the team of the Chaperon project.
Picture of the month - November 2023
The picture of the month November was introduced in the Freestyle category and is called „The power of resilience“. Read more…
Prof. Hemminki presented his work in the Czech Cancer Research Meeting in Olomouc
Prof. Kari Hemminki took part in The Annual Czech Cancer Research Meeting in Olomouc. Read more here…
Preliminary results of hepatocellular carcinoma research in the TCG Lab
The Translational Cancer Genomics team is finalising their hepatocellular carcinoma research and is proud to present preliminary results of their efforts. Read more here…
Nerd Art Prize 2023: We have winners!
We are thrilled to announce the winners of this year’s Nerd Art Prize, again in two categories: Research and Freestyle. And the winners are… Continue reading here…
Chaperon booth at the Researchers´ Night was a success
Chaperon booth attracted lots of the Czech European Researchers‘ Night vistiors at the Charles University in Prague, offering the chance to explore the link between cancer and taste by sampling five flavors, including an extraordinary bitter taste. Read more here…
Chaperon Scientists and Students take part in the Heidelberg Liver Cancer Research Conference 2023
Members of Laboratory of Translational Cancer Genomics participated in the 2nd Liver Cancer Research Conference in Heidelberg. Read more here…
"Picture of the Month" – October 2023
In October, we present another photograph from the Freestyle category. Read more…
Chaperon scientists succeed in annual ranking
In September, the annual ranking of world leading universities and scientists was announced by Continue here…
Applications of Research Results: Commercialisation and Beyond
Let us invite you to the seminar on science commercialisation. Read more here…
Srdečně zveme na seminář o uplatnění a komercializaci vědeckých výstupů. Více zde…
Chaperon invites you to participate in a seminar about nuclear structure and changes
Please, accept our invitation to take part in the upcoming seminar of „Nucleus: structure and changes during inheritance and ageing“. Read more here…
Přijměte prosím naše pozvání na seminář „Jádro: jeho struktura a změny vlivem dědičnosti a stárnutí“. Více zde…
"Picture of the Month" – September 2023 / Fotka měsíce září 2023
This month, it is the very first time to present a photography from the Freestyle category in the „Picture of the Month“ section. Read more here…
Tento měsíc je to vůbec poprvé, co v rubrice „Obrázek měsíce“ představujeme fotografii z kategorie Freestyle. Čtěte zde…
The Chaperon team invites you to the participate in our Lab Meeting
Let us invite you to another instalment of the semi-regular meeting of laboratories of the Biomedical Center. Let’s meet on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. More informartion here…
Meet Chaperon at the Czech European Researchers´ Night
On October 6th, the traditional Czech European Researchers´ Night is going to take place. Come to our stand at Charels University campus at Albertov (Prague) and discover how your perceptions of taste affect your health. Read more here…
"Picture of the Month" – August 2023
In August, we would like to introduce a photograph taken by RNDr. Vladimíra Moulisová, Ph.D. Continue reading…
Fotkou měsíce srpna je snímek RNDr. Vladimíry Moulisové, Ph.D. Více zde…
New Research Paper: Population-Attributable Fractions of Personal Comorbidities for Liver, Gallbladder, and Bile Duct Cancers
A new research paper has recently been published by the members of The Laboratory of Translational Cancer Genomics, investigating estimation of population-attributable fractions (PAF) for 13 comorbidities potentially predisposing to hepatobiliary cancer. Read more here…
Looking back at the Summer School of Experimental Surgery 2023
From Monday, July 3rd, till Friday, July 14th, the 10th Summer School of Experimental Surgery took place at the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen. The Summer School was attended by 31 students from 11 universities from 8 European countries, including Czech Republic. Continue reading…
A Shout-Out to the ERA Club Consultations
As you all probably know already, the Chaperon project offers free research consultation services as a part of its ERA Research Club. Recently, one of the students who had tried our service decided to give us a public shout-out in a short video, which we gladly took and published on the Faculty YouTube Channel! You can watch it right here on the left (<<<). Interested in trying our service yourselves? It‘s easy, just get in touch with the project staff via and we‘ll link you with our mentors or find you one from your research field. |
Announcing the Nerd Art Prize 2023 contest!
The Chaperon ERA Research Club invites you to participate in our Nerd Art Prize 2023 contest by sending us your best photo or picture! Submissions are accepted until September 15, 2023, in two separate categories: Science & Research, and Freestyle (i.e. any topic). Winning pictures will be hung in the new campus of the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen and their authors will receive surprise gifts. Please read the full contest conditions and submission instructions here, and check the winners of the previous contest instalments (2021, 2022).
Chaperon ERA Research Club vás opět zve k účasti v soutěži Nerd Art Prize.
Zašlete svou nejlepší fotku/obrázek! Soutěží se ve dvou samostatných kategoriích: Věda a výzkum a Freestyle (tedy jakékoli téma).
Vítězné snímky z kategorie Věda a výzkum budou vyvěšeny v nové budově kampusu Lékařské fakulty v Plzni, vítězové obdrží věcné ceny.
Fotografie se stručným popisem zasílejte na mail Termín odevzdání: do 15. září 2023.
Summer School of Experimental Surgery 2023
The Chaperon Era Research Club invites you to the lectures organized within the framework of the Summer School of Experimental Surgery 2023. More information here…
"Picture of the Month" - July 2023
The Picture of the Month July was taken by doc. Ing. Jan Nevoral, Ph.D. from Laboratory of Reproductive Medicine. Continue reading here…
Filip Ambrozkiewicz Attended the EACR 2023 Congress
Filip Ambrozkiewicz – member of Translational Cancer Genomics laboratory – attended the EACR 2023 Annual Congress in Torino, Italy and presented poster entitled “MiRNAs as potential biomarkers of hepatocellular carcinoma of non-viral origin”. Read more here…
Dutch Cancer Registration
Prof. Kari Hemminki visited the Netherlands comprehensive cancer organisation (IKNL) in Utrecht on 14.6.2023. Read more here…
Laboratory of Translational Cancer Genomics Has Welcome New Team Members
Two postdocs have recently joined the team of Translational Cancer Genomics Lab led by Prof. Hemminki. Continue reading…
"Picture of the Month" - June 2023
In June, we would like to introduce the Picture of the month taken by Roshan Singh. Read more…
Prof. Hemminki awarded the best presenting authors in the 60th Student Scientific Conference
After 3 years of pandemic break, the 60th Student Scientific Conference finally took place on May 17. Read more here…
"Picture of the Month" - May 2023
We would like to introduce the Picture of the Month taken by Petr Jan Juračka. Read more here…
New Review Paper: Theranostics Nanomedicine Applications for Colorectal Cancer and Metastasis: Recent Advances
The team of Translational Cancer Genomics has recently published a review on „Nanomedicine Applications for Colorectal Cancer and Metastasis“. Read more here…
The Chaperon ERA Research Club invites you to participate in our next Student Event: “The use of AI in literature review”
Time and place: 14th of June, 3 pm, seminar room 01.2.21 in Biomedical Center. Continue…
The New Town Hall in Prague Hosted the CUCAP conference
The conference on Current Understanding of Colorectal and Pancreatic Cancer organized by Chaperon took place in Prague on May 29th and 30th, 2023. Read more here…
Spring Meeting of Cancer Researchers in Javorná
From May 12 to 14, 2023, a regular meeting of collaborating research teams from our medical faculty, as well as experts from the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and from the National Institute of Public Health took place for the twelfth time. This year, Prof. Dr. Inge Herrmann from the Swiss ETH Zurich accepted our invitation as well.
Nerd Art Prize Awards 2022
The Nerd Art Prize Award Ceremony took place on Tuesday, April 4th, at the new FMP campus buidling. Read more here…
"Picture of the Month" - April 2023
In April, we would like to introduce a photography taken by Maria Stefania Massaro. Read more here…
Filip Ambrozkiewicz took part in EASL 2023 Liver Cancer Summit in Portugal
Filip Ambrozkiewicz – a member of Translational Cancer Genomics laboratory – attended the EASL Liver Cancer Summit, held in April, 20th-22nd, 2023 in Estoril, Portugal and presented his poster called “Interplay between genetic and immune factors in the tumor microenvironment and their prognostic value in hepatocellular carcinoma”. Read more here…
New Review Paper: Are population level familial risks and germline genetics meeting each other?
Large amounts of germline sequencing data have recently become available and we sought to compare these results with population-based family history data. Family studies are able to describe aggregation of any defined cancers in families. Continue reading here…
Chaperon Award for the Best Presentation at the Student Scientific Conference
The Student Scientific Conference of our Faculty is finally going to take place this year after a 3-year break due to COVID. At the Conference, Prof. Kari Jussi Hemminki will award the best English presentation(s) with a special Chaperon Student Scientific Conference Award. More details will be announced before the conference and, of course, the award winner(s) and their work will be presented on the Chaperon website afterwards.
CUCAP Conference Registration Deadline
Do not miss the opportunity to participate at our conference on Current Understanding of Colorectal and Pancreatic Cancers! Read more here…
"Picture of the month" - March 2023
In March, we would like to present a photography taken by Olena Yakushko. Continue reading here…
The Chaperon team invites you to participate in our regular Lab Meeting
We would like to invite you to the upcoming Chaperon Lab Meeting. Continue reading here…
The Chaperon ERA Research Club invites you to participate in our “Scientific Blind Dates” Event for PhD students
The event is geared towards PhD students as an opportunity to practice their scientific presentation skills in an informal setting. More information here…
Prof. Strakoš Has Given a Seminar on ERC Grants at Our Faculty
The Chaperon team has organised a seminar on ERC project calls led by Prof. Zdeněk Strakoš, which took place at our Faculty. Read more here…
"Picture of the month" - February 2023
In February, we would like to introduce another photo of the 2022 Nerd Art Prize competition. This time taken by PharmDr. Barbora Vítovcová from the Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové. Continue reading here…
New Research Paper: Long-term survival trends in solid cancers in the Nordic countries marking timing of improvements
Survival studies are an important indicator of the success of cancer control. We analyzed the 5-year relative survival in 23 solid cancers in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden over a 50-year period (1970-2019) at the NORDCAN database accessed from the International Agency for Research on Cancer website. Continue reading here…
New Research Paper: Personal comorbidities and their subsequent risks for liver, gallbladder and bile duct cancers
Many environmental risk factors for hepatobiliary cancers are known but whether they are associated with specific cancer types is unclear. We present here a novel approach of assessing standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) of previously diagnosed comorbidities for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), gallbladder cancer (GBC), cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) and ampullary cancer. Continue reading here…
The Chaperon lab benefits from Dr. Kasi's experience gained in Germany and Poland
In association with Chaperon, Dr. Phanindra Babu Kasi has made scientific visits to the University of Heidelberg and the University of Warsaw. Read more here…
The Chaperon team invites you to take part in our Lab Meeting
We would like to invite you to the regular Lab Meeting of all research teams in the Biomedical center. Continue here…
New members of the Laboratory of Translational Cancer Genomics
The Laboratory of Translational Cancer Genomics has welcome 3 new members in their team. Continue reading here…
"Picture of the month" - January 2023
In January, we would like to introduce the winner of the 2022 Nerd Art Prize competition MUDr. Anna Malečková who won in the Research category with her photography of the bone trabeculae of pig. Continue reading…
New Chaperon Moodle course available
We have prepared a new e-learning course as a part of the Chaperon ERA Research Club. This new addition to the previous three courses is called Starting your journey with medical resources and teaches you how to find, use and cite electronic literature and information resources. The course will also help you understand the publishing world to make sure your work gets the attention it deserves. The course is open and waiting for you :)
Registration for the Chaperon conference CUCAP underway!
We are glad to announce that the registration for Current Understanding of Colorectal and Pancreatic Cancers, a.k.a. „the big Chaperon conference“ has been launched. Please visit for more information and register for the event (the registration deadline is April 14, but don’t wait till then and register right away). We believe that all CUCAP participants will enjoy the late May meeting among the historical monuments of Prague!
Invitation to ERC seminar
Within the Chaperon project, we are preparing a seminar on ERC project calls led by prof. Zdeněk Strakoš. The seminar is expected to take place in the second half of January. More information here…
Nerd Art Prize "Picture of the month" - December
We would like to introduce the winners and participants of the Nerd Art Prize as the picture of the month. In December it is a picture of human schromosomes by Dr. Pavel Dvořák, from Department of Biology, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University. Continue reading here…
The Chaperon project offers free research consultations
The Chaperon Project offers free research consultations within its ERA Research Club. More information here…
Clinical Genetics of Cancer 2022 - Szczecin
Our ERA Chair Kari Hemminki attended conference Clinical Genetics of Cancer 2022 in Szczecin in Poland. Read more here…
New Review paper: Activated Hepatic Stellate Cells in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Their Role as a Potential Target for Future Therapies
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a global healthcare challenge, which affects more than 815,000 new cases every year. Activated hepatic stellate cells (aHSCs) remain the principal cells that drive HCC onset and growth. aHSCs suppress the anti-tumor immune response through interaction with different immune cells. A detailed overview has been recently published by the team of the Laboratory of translational cancer genomics. Continue reading here…
PF 2023!
The Chaperon team wish you a calm and cosy holiday season and the best of luck for 2023.
Winners of Nerd Art Prize 2022
We are excited to announce the winners of this year’s Nerd Art Prize! This time in two categories: Research and Freestyle. And the winners are (drumroll please)… Continue reading here…
Deutscher Krebskongress 2022 GERMAN CANCER CONGRESS
Our ERA Chair Kari Hemminki attended the German Cancer Congress of 2022 and gave a presentation ‘Cancer of unknown primary (CUP)—search for the primary site’. Read more here…
New Research paper: Long Non-Coding RNA and microRNA Interplay in Colorectal Cancer and Their Effect on the Tumor Microenvironment
We focus on the miRNA/lncRNA/protein regulatory axes, which are known to influence the immune response in colorectal cancer. A detailed overview has been recently published by the team of the Laboratory of translational cancer genomics. Read more here…
Nerd Art Prize "Picture of the month" - November
We would like to introduce the winners and participants of the Nerd Art Prize as the picture of the month. In November it is a picture of a decellularized porcine arteria by Lenka Červenková, from Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University. Continue reading here…
The IX Congress of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery
The IX Congress of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery was held in Pilsen on 19-20 September. The congress was actively attended by prof. Kari Hemminki, ERA Chair holder, Dr. Ambrozkiewicz and Dr. Trailin from the Laboratory of Translational Cancer Genomics. Continue reading here…
The 45th Symposium on Hormones and Cell Regulation
On 12-15 October 2022 Kari Hemminki participated in The 45th Symposium on Hormones and Cell Regulation on the theme: Sex and Signaling: the molecular basis of sex and gender medicine, held in Mont Sainte-Odile, France. Read more here…
Starting your journey with medical resources (online course)
All CUNI staff, but especially Ph.D. students are cordially invited to participate in the course „Starting your journey with medical resources“, which will help them find, use and cite electronic literature and information resources. The course will also help you understand the publishing world to make sure your work gets the attention it deserves.
The course will be organized in three lessons on Wednesdays, Nov. 16th, 23rd, and 30th, 2022 starting at 10 a.m.
Registration is required (please register at
Nov. 16th – Medical eResources: Where to find them & how to cite them
Nov. 23rd – Medical eResources: How to use them research strategies AND / OR MeSH
Nov. 30th – Persistent identifiers and open access publishing
Visit and seminar by Dr. David Hughes
Working meeting of principal representatives of research groups, collaborating together in frame of international projects ERA Chair Chaperon and Inter-Cost, took place in Pilsen on September 12-15, 2022. On September 13, 2022, UniMeC hosted a very interesting lecture entitled „Exploring two aspects of colorectal cancer development: genetically determined BMI at different lifestages and gut barrier dysfunction“ which was delivered by the distinguished guest of the meeting, Dr. David Hughes. Read more here…
New Research paper: Long-term incidence in hepatocellular carcinoma and intrahepatic bile duct cancer in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, role of Thorotrast?
We analyzed long-term incidence trends in liver cancer (including hepatocellular carcinoma and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma) with an aim to interpret the changes in terms of known risk factors and hypothesize that historical exposure to Thorotrast, a radiographic contrast medium emitting alpha particles, has changed population rates. The NORDCAN database was used to collect cancer registry data from Denmark (DK), Finland (FI), Norway (NO) and Sweden (SE), which we used from 1953 (DK, FI and NO) and 1960 (SE) through 2019. Continue reading here…
Nerd Art Prize "Picture of the month" - September
We would like to introduce the winners and participants of the Nerd Art Prize like the picture of the month. In September it is a picture of a mouse zygote by Iveta Valentová, from Faculty of Science, Charles University. Continue reading here…
The Chaperon project invites you to a lecture by Dr. David Hughes
We would like to invite you to a lecture „Exploring two aspects of colorectal cancer development: genetically determined BMI at different lifestages and gut barrier dysfunction“ by Dr. David Hughes. You can read more about Dr. David Hughes here…
The Chaperon invites you to participate in our Lab meeting
We would like to invite you to the seminar, which call Lab meeting. This time we will get introduce with the Laboratory of Quantitative Histology headed by Prof. Zbynek Tonar, M.D., Ph.D., M.Sc. We will look forward to seeing you. More information…
Nerd Art Prize "Picture of the month" - August
We would like to introduce the winners and participants of the Nerd Art Prize like the picture of the month. In August it is a picture of a vitro mitosis by Maria Stefania Massaro, from Laboratory of Cancer Treatment and Tissue Regeneration, Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University. Continue reading here…
New Research paper: CTNNB1 mutations, TERT polymorphism and CD8+ cell densities in resected hepatocellular carcinoma are associated with longer time to recurrence
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a fatal disease characterized by early genetic alterations in telomerase reverse transcriptase promoter (TERTp) and β-catenin (CTNNB1) genes and immune cell activation in the tumor microenvironment. We found out that certain combination of genetic and immune factors improve survival showing higher predictive values. Read more here…
Looking back at the Summer School of Experimental Surgery 2022
From Monday, July 4 to Friday, July 15, the 9th Summer School of Experimental Surgery took place. The summer school was attended by 33 students from 6 universities from 3 European countries, including the Czech Republic. Read more here…
Whole exome sequencing identifies novel germline variants of SLC15A4 gene as potentially cancer predisposing in familial colorectal cancer
About 15% of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients have first-degree relatives affected by the same malignancy. However, for most families the cause of familial aggregation of CRC is unknown. To identify novel high-to-moderate-penetrance germline variants underlying CRC susceptibility, we performed whole exome sequencing (WES) on four CRC cases and two unaffected members of a Polish family without any mutation in known CRC predisposition genes. Continue reading here…
Nerd Art Prize "Picture of the month" - July
We would like to introduce the winners and participants of the Nerd Art Prize like the picture of the month. In July it is a picture of a mouse cerebellum by Mgr. Yaroslav Kolinko, Ph.D., from Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University. The image shows the cortex of the cerebellum stained using the Nissel method. Dark cells are the Purkinje cells.
Announcing the Nerd Art Prize 2022 contest
The Chaperon ERA Research Club invites you to participate in our Nerd Art Prize 2022 contest by sending us your best photo or picture! This year in two separate categories: Science & Research, and Freestyle (i.e. any topic). The best pictures in each category will be selected by a committee composed of the Chaperon project leadership group. The winning Science & Research pictures will be hung in the newly constructed campus building of the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen and the winners in both categories will be rewarded with surprise gifts. The deadline is September 15, 2022, and the full conditions of the contest are published here.
Summer School of Experimental Surgery 2022 - Invitation to the lectures
The Chaperon ERA Research Club invites you to the lectures organized within the framework of the Summer School of Experimental Surgery 2022. Read more info here…
Ranking of Top Scientists by has released the first edition of its ranking of the top scientists in various countries and different fields of science. The ranking is based on the recognition of the scientific papers that the scientists have published.
Nerd Art Prize "Picture of the month" - June
We would like to introduce the winners and participants of the Nerd Art Prize like the picture of the month. In June is it a picture by Ing. Hedvika Rimnacova, doctoral student from Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University.
New courses for PHD students brought to life with Chaperon
We are glad to announce that the first three courses of Chaperon’s ERA Research Club for PhD students and young researchers are now permanently available in e-learning form on CUNI’s Moodle platform.
Commercializazion of Applied Research Results
This seminar took place 8th of June 2022 in the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen and was created in cooperation with the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.
Nerd Art Prize 2021 Award Ceremony
On 7th of June 2022 has taken place award ceremony Nerd Art Prize 2021. This ceremony has been postponed last year due to coronavirus pandemic.
The Chaperon ERA Research Club invites you to participate in our "Why Don't You Get a Job?" Event for PhD students at the Charles University
The seminar will feature talks from members of the biotech and pharmaceutical industry, which will share their experiences about what it is like to work in the industry.
The Chaperon invites you to participate in our "The meeting of reproductive lab"
We would like to invite you to the seminar, which was created in cooperation with friendly foreign universities.
Nerd Art Prize "Picture of the month" - May
We would like to introduce the winners and participants of the Nerd Art Prize like the picture of the month. In May is it a picture by, Kamal Mezian, MD, PhD.Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, First Faculty of Medicine Charles University.
Cancer research reigned over Javorná for the eleventh time
From May 20th to 22nd, another installment of the regular scientific meeting took place, bringing together collaborating research teams of not only the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen but also experts from the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Czech Academy of Sciences and from the National Institute of Public Health. Continue reading here…
Genome-wide meta-analysis of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) identifies risk loci impacting IRF-6
Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) is a benign plasma cell disorder, common in the Western population (3–5% ≥50 years) and characterized by an asymptomatic clonal plasma cell expansion. MGUS progresses to multiple myeloma (MM) at a rate of 1% per year but can also progress to light chain amyloidosis (AL amyloidosis), Waldenström macroglobulinemia, and lymphoma. Continue reading here…
The Chaperon invites you to participate in our “Commercialization of applied Research Results” seminar
We would like to invite you to the seminar, which was created in cooperation with the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.
Nerd Art Prize "Picture of the month" - April
We would like to introduce the winners and participants of the Nerd Art Prize like the picture of the month. In April is it a picture by Tereza Fenclová, doctoral student at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen. Her picture is a microphotograph of testicular tissue of a mouse male exposed to bisphenol S (BPS).
The Chaperon ERA Research Club invites you to participate in our “Scientific Blind Dates” Event for PhD students at the Charles University
The event is geared towards PhD students as an opportunity to practice their scientific presentation skills in an informal setting. Read more here…
Long-term incidence in hepatocellular carcinoma and intrahepatic bile duct cancer in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, the role of Thorotrast?
We analyzed long-term incidence trends in liver cancer (including hepatocellular carcinoma and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma) to interpret the changes in terms of known risk factors and hypothesize that historical exposure to Thorotrast, a radiographic contrast medium emitting alpha particle, has changed population rates. More information could be found here..
Chaperon Instagram account
We are pleased to announce the launch of our Instagram: On our Instagram you will find important information, but also bits and pieces from the daily life of our Chaperon project.
Nerd Art Prize "Picture of the month" - March
Introducing the winners and participants of the Nerd Art Prize, we are glad to present another picture of the month. In March is it the third place – a picture by Roshan Kumar Singh, doctoral student of Experimental Surgery, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen. See more here..
Incidence and survival in oral and pharyngeal cancers in Finland and Sweden through half century
Cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx encompass a heterogeneous group of cancers for which the known risk factors include smoking, alcohol consumption, and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection but their influence is site-specific with HPV mainly influencing oropharyngeal cancer. More information could be found here..
Chaperon Twitter account
We are pleased to announce the launch of our Twitter account: We are delighted to invite you to follow us and get updates on news, seminars, and events organized by the Chaperon project team and cooperations!
Nerd Art Prize "Picture of the month" - February
We would like to introduce the winners and participants of the Nerd Art Prize like the picture of the month. Second month – Second place. Zuzana Varaliová (PhD student at 3LF UK in Prague, Department of Pathophysiology) won the 2nd place with her picture of endothelial cells. See more here..
First Chaperon experimental article published
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common cancers in the world, which frequently recurs after the curative resection. Several options to predict recurrence of HCC have been proposed, however, their prognostic ability is limited. More information could be found here..
Ph.D. positions in Laboratory of Translational Cancer Genomics
The Laboratory of Translational Cancer Genomics lead by Professor Kari Hemminki invites qualified candidates to apply for a five Ph.D. positions in Cancer Research (Genomics, Transcriptomics, and Immunology). For more details read here..
Invitation: „Downstream analysis of scRNASeq data“ and „Gene Co-expression Network Analysis with WGCNA“
The Chaperon project and STRATAGEM COST Action invite you to a lecture on 22nd February 2022, at 1:30 – 2:45 p.m. (Blue Lecture Hall, UniMeC, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, alej Svobody 76, Plzeň). More details can be found in an invitation leaflet (PDF).
Introducing a new course for PhD students
The new journal club-based course led by Dr. Phanindra Babu Kasi and called „MODERN TOPICS IN MEDICAL & LIFE SCIENCES“ is designed to be an accredited PhD course at the Doctoral Study (Ph.D.) of the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University. The course is held in the form of a journal club where researchers gather to discuss publications from peer-reviewed journals. This will help students keep up with current findings in their fields, exercise their critical thinking skills, and improve their presentation and debate abilities. More details can be found in an invitation leaflet (PDF).
Nerd Art Prize "Picture of the month" - January
We have a new year and we would like to introduce you the winners and participants of the Nerd Art Prize like the picture of the month. First month – first place. We would like to introduce the winner – Vladimira Moulisova (Faculty of medicine in Pilsen). See more here…
Second Primary Cancers After Liver, Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancers, and These Cancers as Second Primary Cancers
Second primary cancers (SPCs) are important clinically as they may negatively influence patient survival and they may reveal about therapeutic side effects and general causes of cancer.
Nerd Art Prize – we have winners!
We are happy to announce that we have the winners of Nerd Art Prize 2021! Continue reading here…
Happy Holiday Season 2021
The whole Chaperon team wish you a joyful holiday season and a successful, stress-free year 2022!
Gliwice Scientific Meetings 2021
The Gliwice Scientific Meetings are organized jointly by the Maria Skłodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology and the Silesian University of Technology, the two major scientific centers located in Gliwice.
Incidence, mortality and survival in multiple myeloma compared to other hematopoietic neoplasms in Sweden up to year 2016
Survival in multiple myeloma (MM) has developed favorably over the past decades for reasons that have been ascribed to new medications and treatment. However, development of survival over a long period and comparison to other hematopoietic neoplasms (HN) is less well known.
Ph.D. Positions Opening Now
at the Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University, Czech Republic. Students for the following Ph.D. study topics are sought in the doctoral study programme.
Family History of Head and Neck Cancers
Head and neck cancers (HNCs) encompass a heterogeneous group of cancers between the mouth and larynx.
Expanding the ERA Reseach Club – WE NEED YOUR HELP
We are currently expanding the activities of the ERA Research Club to provide you with the support you need for designing, conducting, analysing and disseminating your research work (read the full program description here in PDF). To help us to do so, please consider completing the following short survey: Also we want to set up a postgraduate student focus group, so if you’re willing to participate in the focus group of ERA RC Champions and help develop the curriculum even further, please join while completing the ERA RC survey mentioned above (there is a question for focus group membership). We want to know your ideas, your needs, your views and opinions. However, we will ensure we do not burden you with any additional work.
B lymphocytes: The unknown soldier in the HCC microenvironment
In the concept of immunogenic cancer such as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), analysis and studying tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) seems to be informative to predict cancer clinical outcomes. Most of TILs contemporary studies aim at T cells as they’re responsible for targeting and killing tumor cells, but T cells cannot work alone. The role of B cells, the other part of lymphocytes, is often ignored. B cells are identified with different densities and within different locations in different stages of HCC.
Survival in colon and rectal cancer through 50 years
Global survival studies have shown favorable development in colon and rectal cancers but few studies have considered extended periods or covered populations for which medical care is essentially free of charge. In this survey colon and rectal cancer survival in Finland and Sweden over a 50-year period (1967-2016) have been analysed.
DNA Repair Gene Polymorphisms and Chromosomal Aberrations in Exposed Populations
DNA damaged and unrepaired or insufficiently repaired DNA double-strand breaks as well as telomere shortening contribute to the formation of structural chromosomal aberrations (CAs).
Announcing the Nerd Art Prize contest 2021
The ERA Research Club is happy to announce the Nerd Art Prize contest for 2021. Send us your best scientific photo or picture and win the possibility to have it hung as a permanent decoration of the new campus building of the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen. Also, the winners will be rewarded with surprise gifts. Submission is open and closes on October 31, 2021. Full instruction and information is available here.
DNA repair gene polymorphisms and chromosomal aberrations in healthy, nonsmoking population
Nonspecific structural chromosomal aberrations (CAs) can be found at around 1% of circulating lymphocytes from healthy individuals but the frequency may be higher after exposure to carcinogenic chemicals or radiation.
Characterization of rare germline variants in familial multiple myeloma
Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignancy of plasma cells, characterized by the presence of monoclonal immunoglobulin, known as M protein.
Familial occurrence of oropharyngeal and other HPV-associated cancers (OPC)
Prof. Kari HemminkI (European Research Area Chair of Translational Oncology) will provide presentation associate with investigation on Familial occurrence of oropharyngeal and other HPV-associated cancers (OPC) at section Head & Neck Forum – Epidemiology and Screening“ of the EUROGIN meeting.
Germline genetic landscape of colorectal cancers
Prof. Kari Hemminki (European Research Area Chair of Translational Oncology) presented the lecture “Germline genetic landscape of colorectal cancers” in the Colorectal Cancer Symposium of Zhejiang University was held on May 13 to 16, 2021.
Tumor cell and mutational landscape in colorectal cancer development
We are very glad to inform you that the Laboratory of Translational Cancer Genomics will start new project awarded by Czech Health Research Council. The project will be carried out in cooperation with the University Hospital in Pilsen and Institute of Experimental Medicine Czech Academy of Sciences.
Telomere homeostasis as potential biomarker of risk, prognosis and progression in gynaecologic tumours
We are very glad to inform you that the Laboratory of Translational Cancer Genomics will collaborate with Institute of Experimental Medicine Czech Academy of Sciences and Thomayer hospital on the new project awarded by the Czech Health Research Council.
Blood white cells of healthy individuals may contain non-recurrent, random chromosomal aberrations (CAs), which disappear with cell turnover as they provide no growth advantage. These include chromatid breaks, fragmented or missing parts of chromosomes and fusions resulting in dicentric and ring chromosomes. These nonspecific CAs have been used in monitoring of occupational populations exposed to potential carcinogenic chemicals and radiation. The analysis of CA proceeds in many steps (Figure). The specimen in the figure is the fresh blood sample, which is cultured and harvested for slide preparation; the slides are then analyzed to score CAs.
Project Management Course
European Center Charles University invites you to the Project Management Course which will be held on 19 April 2021.Invitation here.
T-cells as main actors in anti-tumor immunity
The long-suspected role of the importance of immunity in cancer has gained strong experimental support in the past decade. Infiltrating immune cells can function to control tumor growth or to help create an immunosuppressive environment in which the tumor can thrive. Immune surveillance by T-cells in human cancers is one of the key mechanisms of anti-cancer immunity.
Ph.D. Positions at the Biomedical Center
Students for the following Ph.D. study topics are sought in the doctoral study programme:
Are you a Ph.D. student at the Faculty of medicine in Pilsen and do you want to better understand the basic principles of study design, critical appraisal, research governance and medical writing in experimental research? Register for an online course Protocol, Reviewing, Ownership and Publishing in Experimental Research“ (PROPER) by Prof. Khaled Ismail. Four modules of the course will take place from March till June, 2021.
Assessment of tumor cellular microenvironment
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) occurs in people with an underlying liver disease of either viral or toxic origin. It is usually preceded by cirrhosis. In the Czech Republic alcoholic liver disease is the major etiological factor. Tumor microenvironment is composed of myeloid (innate immunity) and lymphoid (adaptive immunity) lineages. Infiltrating immune cells can function to control tumor growth or to help create an immunosuppressive environment in which the tumor can thrive. The long suspected role for immune surveillance in human cancer has gained strong experimental support in the past decade. The concepts of ‘hot’ or ‘cold’ tumors refer to signs of inflammation (hot) when the tumor has already been infiltrated by T cells, which usually correlates with a response to immunotherapy. Even more gratifying, these scientific breakthroughs have also benefited clinical oncology in the context of diagnostics, prognostication, drug development and therapy.
Telomere length and its role in cancer
Normally human cells can divide only a few dozen of times and they can enter senescence. In contrary, the number of cancer cell divisions is not limited and hence they seem immortal. It turned out this limitation is imposed by length of the so called telomeres.
TERT promoter mutations in skin disease before and after treatment
Squamous cell carcinoma is a common skin cancer. It does not usually develop metastases and can be cured by surgery. However, as exposure to solar irradiation is the major risk factor for this skin cancer, the location of tumors are at sun-exposed sites, usually on the face. In this study we collaborated with Finnish dermatologists who treated patients with actinic keratosis, the precursor of squamous cell skin cancer.
Open science: from data to publication
Open Science Support Centre invites you to the Seminar Open science: from data to publication. For more information click here
Chaperon team has a new personnel acquisition
On December 1, Andriy Trailin started in the team on Senior Researcher position. His research will be focused on pathological and immunohistochemical part of the project.
TERT promoter mutations in cancer
The Laboratory of Translational Cancer Genomics together with Laboratory of Pharmacogenomics are presently working on TERT promoter mutation profiling in hepatocellular carcinoma and adjacent non tumour tissue.
Summer school experience: single-cell analysis in cancer research
One of the Chaperon lab members describes his experience after attending a summer school on single cell techniques as one of the trainees.
Melanoma – a dangerous skin cancer
Melanoma is a potentially fatal skin disease for which sun exposure is an important risk factor. For this reason people with red or blond hair, blue or green eyes, and fair skin that freckles or burns easily are at increased risk. Family history is another risk factor of melanoma. The risk is higher if one or more of the person’s first-degree relatives has had melanoma. The researchers within Chaperon project have recently published two articles on this topic.
New member of the Chaperon team
On October 1, a new member of our Chaperon team started on a postdoc position. To introduce him briefly, we asked him a few questions. His name is Filip Ambrożkiewicz and his research is focused on colon cancer.
PhD and postdoc positions still available
We are seeking students for several Ph.D. study topics as well as postdoctoral fellows in translational cancer research (molecular biology, immunology, bioinformatics). Click here for more details…
ERA Research Club Starting Up
After some initial complications caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the ERA Research Club is finally starting up. We have scheduled two interesting events in collaboration with the Summer School of Experimental Surgery:
- A seminar „Introduction to statistics for biomedicine“ led by Petr Hošek, a statistician from the Chaperon team. The seminar will take place in two identical sessions on July 9 and July 10, 2020, 13:00–15:00, in Room no. 4.201, UniMeC, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University. Download an invitation here (PDF).
- A plenary lecture of our ERA Chair holder, Prof. Kari Hemminki, called „Second primary cancer, an emerging cancer type.“ The lecture will take place on July 15, 2020, 9:30–10:30 a.m., in the Blue Lecture Hall, UniMeC, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University. Download an invitation here (PDF).
No registration needed, just come and grab a seat (if there’s any left).
Postdoctoral positions in translational cancer research (molecular biologist, immunologist, bioinformatics)
For a European Union-funded project on translational cancer research, headed by Professor Kari Hemminki, several postdoctoral positions with different areas of expertize are currently sought to work in Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Pilsen, Czech Republic.
The focus will be initially on colorectal cancer. The aims are to assess genetic and cellular changes taking place in the progression of colorectal cancer from precursor tumors (adenomas) to single or multiple colorectal cancers and lastly to metastases. The results will help to understand the role of genetic and cellular events at different phases of tumor development with possible clues about therapeutic targets. While the evidence shows that majority of colorectal carcinomas evolve from adenomatous polyps it is also believed that most neoplastic adenomas may not evolve to cancer. Immune system plays a key role in trying to suppress malignant transformation. Under the pressure of immune surveillance, surviving tumor cells tend to selectively accumulate traits that help them evade immune destruction.
Ph.D. Positions in Cancer Research
Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University, is seeking students for the following Ph.D. study topics in the doctoral study programme of Experimental Surgery:
- Study of genes important for origin and progression of malignant tumors with usage of bioinformatic analyisis
(Tutor: Assoc. prof. Pavel Soucek, Ph.D.) - Importance of transcriptome in prognosis and treatment response in patients with solid tumors and in experimental models
(Tutor: Radka Vaclavikova, Ph.D.) - Epigenetic regulation in colorectal carcinogenesis
(Tutor: Pavel Vodicka, Ph.D.) - Mapping of genomic instability in colorectal carcinogenesis
(Tutor: Pavel Vodicka, Ph.D.) - Tumor heterogeneity in colorectal carcinogenesis
(Tutor: Veronika Vymetalkova, Ph.D.) - Immune markers in progression of colorectal cancer
(Tutor: Prof. Kari Hemminki, Ph.D.) - Genetic changes and gene expression in polyps progressing into colorectal cancer
(Tutor: Prof. Kari Hemminki, Ph.D.) - Telomere dysfunction in progression to colorectal cancer
(Tutor: Prof. Kari Hemminki, Ph.D.)
Application deadline: April 30, 2020
Online applications and information:
Contact: Daniela Vyzrálová | | Tel: +420 377 593 466, +420 773 768 811 | Department of Science and Research | Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Postdoctoral positions in translational cancer research
In European Union-funded project on translational cancer research, headed by Professor Kari Hemminki, several postdoctoral positions with different areas of expertize are currently sought to work in Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Pilsen, Czech Republic.
The focus will be initially on colorectal cancer. The aims are to assess genetic and cellular changes taking place in the progression of colorectal cancer from precursor tumors (adenomas) to single or multiple colorectal cancers and lastly to metastases. The results will help to understand the role of genetic and cellular events at different phases of tumor development with possible clues about therapeutic targets. While the evidence shows that majority of colorectal carcinomas evolve from adenomatous polyps it is also believed that most neoplastic adenomas may not evolve to cancer. Immune system plays a key role in trying to suppress malignant transformation. Under the pressure of immune surveillance, surviving tumor cells tend to selectively accumulate traits that help them evade immune destruction. A strongly immunogenic tumor in an immunocompetent host may result in optimal stimulation of the immune system and elimination of the tumor. Alternatively, mutated tumor cells selectively develop variants that have acquired insensitivity to immunologic surveillance (e.g., through increased tumor-induced immunosuppression) and that can expand in an unrestrained fashion. A general deterioration of an individual’s immune defense may contribute to tumor escape.
The Chaperon ERA Chair holder selected
November 27, 2019 – The evaluation of the candidates for the Chaperon ERA Chair holder positon has been completed and we are pleased to announce the selection of our future Chair holder – the position will be taken by Prof. Kari Hemminki.
Kari Hemminki is a top-class researcher in the field of cancer epidemiology and cancer genomics, he is a professor emeritus of the German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum – DKFZ) in Heidelberg, where he led the Division of Cancer Epidemiology from 2003 to June 2019. Prof. Hemminki comes from Finland where he acquired the degrees of MD, PhD and Assistant professor at the University of Helsinki. He then continued his career in molecular biology during his postdoctoral fellowship at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD, USA. He has authored over 1250 papers with approx. 29 000 citations and his H-index is 79.
Since his team at DKFZ comprised up to 30 people, for whom he managed to acquire more than 50% of external, i.e. grant funding, we are confident that prof. Hemminki will bring a crucial managerial know-how that will help increase the competitiveness of the Biomedical Center, but also of the whole faculty and university.
Project Kick-off Meeting
October 3, 2019 – The Chaperon ERA Chair project has been ceremonially initiated by the Chaperon Kick-off Meeting held on September 26, 2019, at the Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University.
The guests were greeted by Prof. Milan Štengl, MD, PhD – the coordinator of the project and scientific director of the Biomedical Center. The goals of the project as well as its current status were then introduced by Assoc. prof. Václav Liška, MD, PhD. At the moment, the selection procedure of the ERA Chair holder is in progress and its results should be known by the middle of November. The ERA Chair holder is the key person of the project – this position will be occupied by a renowned expert who will build and lead a new laboratory at the Biomedical Center (Laboratory of Translational Cancer Genomics) and boost the excellence of the Center and the Faculty thanks to his/her excellence and managerial skills.
Members of the Faculty management, our research collaborators from the University of West Bohemia together with other honoured guests then proceeded to a brief tour of the Biomedical Center, its laboratories as well as the experimental animal surgery and intensive care facility. The event was then closed by a networking lunch.